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发布时间:2023-02-25 10:15:05 来源:网友投稿




保护环境英语作文范文 篇一

In our blue earth, every living creature has its own home. The forest is a paradise for wild animals, the pond is a cabin for small fish, the sky is a paradise for birds, and the earth is the common home of human beings, animals and plants. The earth gives us water and forests, fresh air and food. Our beautiful home, from now on, is a matter of course.

But what do we humans do when we take it for granted? According to my parents, the earth used to be a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, birds and flowers, and people can freely breathe the refreshing air. But now, what has the earth become? Human beings do not cherish forests and water sources and spend generously. Forests turned into barren mountains, rivers and sewage flowed across. The abuse of chemical drugs has caused a series of ecological disasters. As far as I know, at present, factories and power plants all over the world emit 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year; The emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon oxides and other harmful gases are also quite large. There are many kinds of exhaust gases entering the atmosphere, and more than 100 kinds have caused harm and attracted people"s attention. Exhaust gas enters the atmosphere and destroys the original chemical organization and nature of the atmosphere. How many people die from lung cancer, global warming melts icebergs, and a large number of crops on the whole earth are reduced with climate change, which is no longer the prediction of scientists. We see the earth crying and the atmosphere burning. One great disaster after another is being staged.

In the face of disasters, we can"t be indifferent. Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment! Love our beautiful home from now on. Although we are only primary school students and can not make a great contribution to the environment of all mankind, we can start from the small things around us. From now on: from the protection of our living environment, we can love every tree in the community; Starting from protecting the school environment, we can fill the windowsill of the classroom with flowers and plants. Students, we are the masters of the 21st century. Environmental awareness is the symbol of modern people. We should have the sense of responsibility of the times and make due efforts to beautify and purify the environment. "Don"t do it with evil and don"t do it with good"。 Let"s work together to love our beautiful home and start from now on—— Let our beautiful home, the breeze often blows the green willows, and the clear water always accompanies the Cangshan!

保护环境英语作文 篇二

People, I want to say to you, "do you know the importance of protecting the environment?" Nowadays, there are more and more damage to the environment. If we don't pay enough attention, our living environment will be in great danger.

There is a river in my hometown. The water is crystal clear and there are many small fish and frogs in the river. In the summer, children swim freely in the river and bathe. The river is the paradise for the fish, the children's paradise. Since the construction of paper mills, the paper mill has discharged a lot of waste water every day, and some have poured garbage into the river. From then on, the water was no longer clear, and people saw a dirty, smelly sewer. Whenever people pass by, they cover their noses and stay away from them. They can no longer hear the croak of frogs and the laughter of their children.

In my hometown, there are more than ten tall and tall trees. In summer, the trees grow luxuriantly and luxuriantly, and the thick foliage hides the hot sun. Some people are leisurely drinking tea in the trees under the trees, while others are reading newspapers and playing chess. The children are playing happily. At some point, people pulled the steel bar to the top of a tree and tied it to a tractor. The steel bar straightened, but the tree was torn and scarred. Some people tied their animals to the trees and let them chew the bark. Others cut the branches off the fence. Over time, the trees no longer flourish, they wither away. People can no longer enjoy the happiness that shade brings them. The small trees on the village dam are used to prevent soil erosion, but some children have broken branches to play, and more people have cut down the trees to build houses. The result is that the trees are no longer in the forest, and the sparse trees do not have the function of a fixed dam. This summer the dam collapsed under a heavy rain.

The chimneys of residential and industrial areas, with black smoke billowing every day, covered the blue sky and cast a shadow over the twenty-first century.

People, wake up quickly! We have only one earth, and we can no longer use our hands to destroy the environment we live in. Please leave a green mountain, green water and blue sky for our children and grandchildren.

保护环境的英语作文范文 篇三

When it comes to environmental protection, we should start with low carbon, water and electricity conservation, and protect the sanitary environment. This is what each of us needs to do.

Now let me tell you how to save water, electricity and protect the sanitary environment in our home. The way to save water in our home is to recycle water resources and use less water. For example, the water used to wash clothes is used to flush the toilet, rinse the mop, and the water used to wash rice is used to water the flowers. In addition, we should develop the good habit of turning off the tap at will. The way we usually save electricity is to turn on the air conditioner less in summer, reduce the time to surf the Internet, and turn off the lights and TV when we go out.

Secondly, to protect the sanitary environment, we should learn to classify garbage. As more and more garbage is placed in our daily life, people will realize that it is not only the most beneficial to the environmental protection, but also the most common garbage in our daily life. So what is garbage classification? Garbage can be classified into four categories. The first category is recyclable garbage, the second category is kitchen waste, the third category is other garbage, and the fourth category is hazardous garbage. Knowing the garbage classification, I came to make a garbage classification at home.

First of all, I labeled the trash can at home with four labels: hazardous waste, kitchen waste, recyclable waste and other waste. Hazardous waste is the waste batteries and expired drugs we usually use. Kitchen waste is the leftovers we eat, vegetable leaves, melon and fruit skins, etc. when I threw these wastes into the trash can according to categories, I couldn"t help thinking that there are too many knowledge of garbage classification. We must pay attention to classification when throwing garbage in the future.

To protect the environment, start with me. Let"s act quickly and protect our common home together!

保护环境1500字英语作文 篇四

Since we bought the car, dad often open it take me to go for a ride, usually is ok also to dad took me out to sneak a circle, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way, the feeling is really good. But while I was enjoying the moment of happiness, I was unknowingly blackening the environment, and our green home became a black home.

The harm of vehicle emissions to the atmosphere I had heard, but no too care about, the school environment protection class, also talked about the content, the car tail gas main component is carbon dioxide, ozone layer destruction is that it did.。.

Today, Im going to tell my father, from now on, that Im going to be an environmentalist. Everyone is responsible for protecting our beautiful homeland, and it is our duty to keep clean and beautiful. As soon as I did, I announced to my father that I would go to school by bus, and I wouldnt have to drive a car to school.

In the early morning, when I was carrying the school bus in my backpack, my fathers eyes were genuinely satisfied with a smile.。. I think its a little incredible. Its so easy to do a green thing! Dont need a grandiloquence, what also do not need earth-shattering, need only in daily life, as long as quietly changing our habits in our daily life, can greatly contribute to environmental protection. My father is driving less than a day. Im taking the bus to school. Is it not for the environment?

After a period of experience, I found its not difficult to contribute to environmental protection, the method also has many: mom buy food need not or less plastic bags, you use environmental protection bag, laundry, wash dishes of water can be used to irrigate fields, to use less disposable supplies, multi-purpose repeatable, renewable resources, the environment and advocating thrift of good habit.。.

Start small, start from oneself, we primary school also want to make contribution to environmental protection!

保护环境的英语作文范文 篇五

Everyone is eager to have a beautiful home, and everyone hopes to live in a civilized environment with the harmonious development of man and nature. Flowers bloom in spring, full of green. However, in our campus, we can see that some students trample on it arbitrarily just to walk a little less, regardless of the life of the grass. Now on both sides of the road, especially at the corner of the road, the grass has been trampled without green and dry. The school has 1500 square meters of green space trampled every year. Therefore, the school spends thousands of yuan to repair and greening every year. This figure is not a small number. As long as we pay a little attention, we can save thousands of yuan. Students, should we think about what we usually do? To this end, we propose to all teachers and students:

1、 Take good care of trees and start with yourself. Do not trample on the green lawn, do not climb branches and flowers, do not peel bark, do not scribble on trees, protect green life, do not climb over the green belt, and do not do any damage to trees and grasslands.

2、 Take the initiative to dissuade acts that destroy greening. When you see the behavior of damaging the environment, you can take the initiative to dissuade him and tell him that flowers, plants and trees are our friends and can"t trample on them.

3、 Actively carry out environmental protection publicity. Not only do your best, but also drive every student around you to cherish flowers and trees. 4、 Encourage units and individuals to actively donate, plant and adopt trees. Every tree you donate will be dotted with a new green, and every penny is a contribution to the construction of your alma mater. We hereby issue an initiative to mobilize all students eager to have a beautiful and harmonious campus to join us in the ranks of loving and protecting the green. Take care of every grass around you with your own practical actions and contribute to the construction of a common green school! It is everyone"s responsibility to protect the environment and take good care of greening! Love green, start with me! Start today!

保护环境英语作文范文 篇六

The earth is the mother of mankind and the home on which mankind depends for survival. We live in her warm arms. She loves us and takes care of us. Protecting the earth is protecting herself.

When the earth has not been polluted by human beings, the streams on the earth are very clear, the sky is very blue and the trees are shady. At that time, it is a fairyland on earth. However, today"s human beings are doing things that "hurt themselves"。 Under the temptation of money, deforestation and overexploitation promote the balance of the ecological environment. In order to satisfy their own desires, they wantonly hunt and kill wild animals, making many animals on the verge of extinction. For convenience, regardless of the ability of the environment, the sewage is discharged at will, causing damage to the underground water quality.。. One by one, it is self harm.

In life, environmental pollution can be seen everywhere. Litter, spit everywhere, trample on flowers and plants, discharge domestic sewage at will, use disposable tableware and increase the number of trips of private cars. Although looking at small things one by one, a little makes a lot. No matter how good the environment is, it can"t afford the damage we"ve accumulated over time.

It is our common wish to live in a clean, tidy and comfortable environment, so we should build a better life together. In order to build an ideal living environment, first of all, we should establish a good environmental awareness, starting from the small things around us and ourselves. Plant more trees in the surrounding open space, decorate our life with green and improve air quality. Adhere to green travel and minimize the use of private cars. Do not litter. When you see the garbage on the ground, bend down and pick it up in time to stop uncivilized behavior. Refuse to use disposable items and resist all white pollution. Know how to save resources, do not waste water, do not waste food, and turn off water and electricity at will. We should always put environmental protection in mind and implement it.

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. A happy life lies not only in abundant food and clothing, but also in clear water and blue sky. Protecting the environment is the common responsibility of me, you and everyone. We should work hard for our home and work together to make her more beautiful.

Love the environment, start with me!

Man and His Environment 人和环境 篇七

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. He has transformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.


However, man's changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles. Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. The pollution of water is equally harmful. The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.


Now environmental protection is more pressing than ever before. As we know, massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence. Indifference to these problems will mean committing suicide. Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws passed to conserve environment. Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living surroundings.


如何保护环境英语作文 篇八

The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on. What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.


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